Each month, EMOM Club members get an exclusive PDF newsletter that contains an entire month’s worth of kettlebell-based staggered EMOM workouts—simple, powerful, written down. All entirely “plug and play”; just open the newsletter, do the workouts, get awesome results.
There are 3 – 4 workouts each week and take just 15 (beginner) to 30 (advanced) minutes each. Suuuper time efficient and effective, as you know!
While each month of EMOMs will turn you into an absolute generalist beast—stronger, leaner, harder to kill—there is also a special rotating focus. That is, some months will lean more into aggressive fat loss, others into building lean functional muscle, and others even with an emphasis on particular body parts, whether glutes, chest, shoulders, you name it.
The point is you’ll 1) never get bored and 2) never stop making useful, tangible, visible progress. Why? Because we’re using short-term specialization to bust through plateaus in a hurry & make fat loss automatic, not just making the workouts random or anything like that—it’s really powerful stuff!
But wait…there’s still more!
Each EMOM Club newsletter includes new disciplines as well—lifestyle “manipulations”, let’s call them, to really rocket you to your goal. The disciplines always support the specifical focus of each monthly challenge (fat loss, muscle, etc.). People LOVED (to hate ; ) these from our KB30 challenges, so they are continuing in the EMOM club, better—and sometimes tougher—than ever.
But wait… there’s STILL more!
Every issue of EMOM Club will include a “look over my shoulder” section called The Forge, where I share what I’m reading, what I’m listening to (podcast-wise), what I’m eating, gear/product recommendations, etc. …all just to give you simple, useable ideas to upgrade your life in and outside the gym. Take it all, use it all, get awesome results.